Global Legal Notices > FAQS
Below you will find a short list of our most frequently asked questions. If you do not find the answer to your questions in our FAQs, please feel free to contact us by completing the contact form and the bottom of the page.
If a current address for a defendant cannot be determined, you may ask the judge to issue an order for service of summons by publication. The judge will set the rules for the publication and issue an order (Notice) to be published. At the end of the publication period, the defendant is deemed to have been served, even though he may never receive actual notice. We will provide a sample application and order upon request.
We publish the court-ordered notice, as well as all documents from the court file for a longer period of time than is required by the court. See Comparison Chart.
We publish the legal notice for 3 consecutive months, rather that the court-required period of once a week for 4 weeks.
Our system of providing notice is worldwide which provides a greater opportunity for the defendant to become aware of the case against him.
They are basically the same. Our system publishes the legal notice globally, rather than in just the local area where the defendant was last known to have resided.
There is a wider distribution of information, the defendant can perform a search engine inquiry for their name and country and it will turn up in the first page on such searches as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc., we send an email notice to the defendant directing them to our website where their case is found.
Yes. Step one is to file an Application for Service of Summons by Publication. You can request a sample by using the form at the bottom of this page or by calling 1-800-417-7623
Once the judge approves the order, we will publish the notice and other court documents.
Many newspapers in some countries, particularly the Middle East, do not accept notices by publication. They claim it is a cultural issue where such publication is considered “public humiliation.”
As part of our service, we attempt to notify the defendant, via email, that a case has been filed against him with a link to the specific page where the court documents can be found.
Print newspapers are rapidly becoming obsolete. Readership has fallen dramatically in recent years and most people now obtain their information from online sources. Our system is viable for all forms, such as desktop, tablet, and cellphone.
We publish the legal notice globally (not just locally), we publish for a longer period than is required (3 months as opposed to 4 weeks), we include all court documents (not just the notice), we attempt to notify the defendant of the case via email, and the defendant case search his name and country and find the specific page on our website where the court documents are found.
© Global Legal Notices 2025, all rights reserved
© Global Legal Notices 2025, all rights reserved