Armando Cursios Honduras
Service by Publication in Honduras
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Order for Publication for Armando Cursios, Father, Civil Summons, Motion for Order Declaring the Minor Child Dependent and Neglected, and Bench Order-Custody to DCS (all in English and Spanish), in Honduras, shall be published for at least once per week for four (4) consecutive weeks upon order of the Court. Respondent, Armando Cursios, Father in Honduras, is hereby notified that a civil legal case involving a minor child has been filed against him.
Case name: State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services v. Armando Cursios
Docket Number: 17-001090A
Court: State of Tennessee, Juvenile Court, County of Sevier
Hearing Date: n/a
Documents served: Order for Publication for Armando Cursios, Father, Civil Summons, Motion for Order Declaring the Minor Child Dependent and Neglected, and Bench Order-Custody to DCS (all in English and Spanish)
Country: Honduras
Date of Publication: May 2, 2024
Date of Completion: May 30, 2024
Be it known to all that the Order for Publication for Armando Cursios, Father, Civil Summons, Motion for Order Declaring the Minor Child Dependent and Neglected, and Bench Order-Custody to DCS (all in English and Spanish) directed to Armando Cursios, Father, in Honduras is hereby published in the above-captioned case in a an appropriate publication of general circulation in Honduras, namely Global Legal Notices, LLC, for a period of not less than once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks.
Order dated: May 1, 2024
Judge, Juvenile Court of Sevier County, Tennessee