David Hector Ramos Carbajal El Salvador
Service by Publication in El Salvador
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Amended Order to Allow Service for Publication for David Hector Ramos Carbajal, and supporting Court-issued documents shall be published for at least once per week for four (4) consecutive weeks upon order of the Court. Respondent, David Hector Ramos Carbajal, is hereby notified that a civil legal case related to paternity, child custody, visitation, and support has been filed against him.
Further, that a written response must be filed with the Court of jurisdiction within 21 days, as described om the Summons.
Case name: Maria Alba Marquez Serrano v. David Hector Ramos Carbajal
Case Number: CV-2017-808
Court: District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Idaho, County of Jerome
Division: Magistrate Division
Amended Order to Allow for Service by Publication
Country: El Salvador
Be it known to all that Fifth District Magistrate Judge Honorable Thomas H. Borrenson has ordered that the Amended Order to Allow Service by Publication for David Hector Ramos Carbajal and related Court-issued documents be published in the above-captioned case in a an appropriate publication of general circulation in El Salvador, namely Global Legal Notices, LLC, for a period of not less than once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks.
Respondent, David Hector Ramos Carbajal must file a written response with the Court of jurisdiction as specified in the Summons.
Signed, July 27, 2018