Luis Fernando Jose Martinez Guatemala
Service by Publication in Guatemala
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Order for Publication, Summons, Petition-Marriage/Domestic Partnership, Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), and blank Response for Luis Fernando Jose Martinez, shall be published for at least once per week for four (4) successive weeks upon order of the Court. Luis Fernando Jose Martinez is hereby notified that a civil legal case has been filed against him for dissolution of marriage (divorce).
Case name: Tiffany Lynn Martinez v. Luis Fernando Jose Martinez
Respondent: Luis Fernando Jose Martinez
Case Number: 22D005639
Court: Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Lamoreaux Center
Documents: Order for Publication, Summons, Petition-Marriage/Domestic Partnership, Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), and blank Response
Country: Guatemala
First Date of Publication: March 19, 2024
Last Date of Publication: April 16, 2024
Be it known to all that the Order for Publication, Summons, Petition-Marriage/Domestic Partnership, Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), and blank Response addressed to Luis Fernando Jose Martinez, be published in the above-captioned case in an appropriate publication of general circulation in Guatemala, namely Global Legal Notices, LLC, for a period of not less than once a week for four (4) successive weeks.
Signed by The Honorable Judge Julie A. Palafox on March 11, 2024